On Thursday 17 September 2009 01:14, nusch wrote:

> The following code:
> strings=["asdad", "baasd", "casd", "caxd"]
> completer = QCompleter(strings)
> model = completer.model()
> print model.rowCount()
> model.stringList().append("test")

This may not work as you expect. Although it may actually modify the list,
the model won't know about the change.

> print model.rowCount()
> prints 4 before and after appending test to stringList. What should I
> do to let the model know about new data? I can save reference to
> model.stringList() append keyword and after pass this reference as an
> argument to setStringList then last model.rowCount() increases, but it
> is not efficient when operating with e.g 20000 words in such list.

Ideally, you would call setStringList(), but I can see why that isn't a
good solution for you.

> Is there better way to do this? Or  is there any other method with
> simply allow to add word to Qcompleter without using .stringList() >

Use the model API to append new rows and set new data. Something like
this should get you started:

  rows = model.rowCount()
  if model.insertRow(rows):
    index = model.index(rows)
    model.setData(index, QVariant("test"))


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