runes wrote:

> Hi Jay. It seems like my requirement is a light edition of your. I like
> having many console windows open, and to make it easier to switch
> between them, I like to name them.  Todays solution is rather tedious
> - a batch file that calls a python script that isolates the directory
> name and stores it in temp file the batch file reads and use as
> argument in the title command.
> It works fine, but I dislike the combination and the entire concept of
> having to create a temporary file for such a small task. The "batch
> language" is probably the most terrible scripting environment ever
> created ;-)

As I showed in my other post you can parse program output without using a 
temporary file.
If all you want to do is to run a script which sets the title when CMD.exe 
starts, that is actually quite easy:

---- c:\temp\ ----
import os
print "Python startup"
     ["/D", "/C", "title", "CMD - " + os.getcwd()]

Then run regedit and find the key 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun

edit it and insert the name of your script (in this example 

Now whenever you start a new command processor the script will set the 
title and CMD will NOT reset it. It seems that if you set the title from a 
subprocess when CMD is starting it will accept your change.

Warning: don't use os.system from the script as that would run 
CMD.exe without the /D flag which would run the script recursively as it 

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