On Sep 16, 2009, at 10:39 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 22:08:40 -0700, Miles Kaufmann wrote:

On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I have two threads, one running min() and the other running max() over
the same list. I'm getting some mysterious results which I'm having
trouble debugging. Are min() and max() thread-safe, or am I doing
something fundamentally silly by having them walk over the same list

min() and max() don't release the GIL, so yes, they are safe, and
shouldn't see a list in an inconsistent state (with regard to the Python interpreter, but not necessarily to your application). But a threaded approach is somewhat silly, since the GIL ensures that they *won't* walk over the same list simultaneously (two separate lists, for that matter).

Perhaps that's true for list contents which are built-ins like ints, but
with custom objects, I can demonstrate that the two threads operate
simultaneously at least sometimes. Unless I'm misinterpreting what I'm

Whoops, sorry. Yes, if you use Python functions (or C functions that release the GIL) for the object comparison methods, a custom key function, or the sequence iterator's methods, then the the min()/max() calls could overlap between threads. If you have additional threads that could modify the list, you should synchronize access to it; if any of the earlier-mentioned functions modify the list, you're likely to get "mysterious" (or at least potentially unexpected) results even in a single-threaded context.

On Sep 16, 2009, at 10:41 PM, Niklas Norrthon wrote:

For one time sequences like files and generators your code is broken
for obvious reasons.



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