Hi All,

I need to render antialiased PNG images using TTF font files and UTF-8 text. It needs to be available at least on Linux and Windows. This is what I have tried:

#1. PIL - it has some problems and I cannot use it. Specifically, the ImageFont.getsize() returns bad value for some fonts, and there are some TTF fonts that are rendered incorrectly (UTF-8)

#2. pycairo - very sophisticated, nice features, knows and does everything correctly. However, has no native support for libfreetype. I could write an extension in C and use it from Linux. Not available on windows.

#3. gdmodule - I tried to install in under windows without success. No binary installer available.

#4. pygame - documentation looks great, it is cross platform. But the first example program I had tried has been terminated, printing out memory dump and complaining about double freeing some memory location.

What other options do we have?




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