I know that strings or numbers are immutable when they passed as
arguments to functions. But there are cases that I may want to change
them in a function and propagate the effects outside the function. I
could wrap them in a class, which I feel a little bit tedious. I am
wondering what is the common practice for this problem.

The most common way is to simply return the altered string if you need it:

  def my_func(some_string):
    result = do_stuff(...)
    some_string = mutate(some_string)
    return result, some_string

  result, value = my_func(value)

This gives the flexibility for the caller to decide whether they want to allow the function to mutate the parameter or not.

You can also use a mutable argument:

  def my_func(lst):
    lst[0] = mutate(lst[0])
    return do_stuff(...)
  s = ["hello"]
  result = my_func(s)
  print s[0]

but this is horribly hackish.

In general, mutating arguments is frowned upon because it leads to unexpected consequences. Just like I don't expect sin(x) or cos(x) to go changing my input value, python functions should behave similarly.



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