On Sep 20, 10:57 pm, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
> kakarukeys wrote:
> > On Sep 20, 6:24 pm, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
> >> Jiang Fung Wong wrote:
> >>> Dear All,
> >>> Thank you for the information. I think I've some idea what the problem is
> >>> about after seeing the replies.
> >>> More information about my system and my script
> >>> PIII 1Ghz, 512MB RAM, Windows XP SP3
> >>> The script monitors global input using PyHook,
> >>> and calculates on the information collected from the events to output some
> >>> numbers. Based on the numbers, the script then performs some automation
> >>> using SendKeys module.
> >>> here is the memory usage:
> >>> firefox.exe, 69MB, 109MB
> >>> svchost.exe, 26MB, 17MB
> >>> pythonw.exe, 22MB, 17MB
> >>> searchindexer.exe, 16MB, 19MB
> >>> My first guess is that the script calculated for too long time after
> >>> receiving an event before propagating it to the default handler, resulting
> >>> the system to be non-responsive. I will try to implement the calculation
> >>> part in another thread.
> >>> Then the separate will have 100% CPU usage, hope the task scheduling of
> >>> Windows works in my favour.
> >> (You top-posted this message, putting the whole stream out of order.  So
> >> I deleted the history.)
> >> All my assumptions about your environment are now invalid.  You don't
> >> have a CPU-bound application, you have a Windows application with event
> >> loop.  Further, you're using SendKeys to generate a keystroke to the
> >> other process.  So there are many things that could be affecting your
> >> latency, and all my previous guesses are useless.
> >> Adding threads to your application will probably slow the system down
> >> much more.  You need to find out what your present problem is before
> >> complicating it.
> >> You haven't really described the problem.  You say the system is
> >> unresponsive, but you made it that way by creating a global hook;  a
> >> notoriously inefficient mechanism.  That global hook inserts code into
> >> every process in the system, and you've got a pretty low-end environment
> >> to begin with.  So what's the real problem, and how severe is it?  And
> >> how will you measure improvement?  The Task manager numbers are probably
> >> irrelevant.
> >> My first question is whether the pyHook event is calling the SendKeys
> >> function directly (after your "lengthy" calculation) or whether there
> >> are other events firing off  in between.  If it's all being done in the
> >> one event, then measure its time, and gather some statistics (min time,
> >> max time, average...).  The task manager has far too simplistic
> >> visibility to be useful for this purpose.
> >> What else is this application doing when it's waiting for a pyHook
> >> call?  Whose event loop implementation are you using?  And the program
> >> you're trying to control -- is there perhaps another way in?
> >> DaveA
> > Hi,
> > Sorry I wasn't sure how to use Google groups to post a msg to the
> > newsgroup, I used Gmail to write my previous reply. What you and the
> > other guy have provided me isn't useless. Now I understand the non-
> > responsiveness may not be caused by high CPU usage, as the OS, be it
> > Windows or Linux, has a way to prioritize the tasks. This is a vital
> > clue to me.
> > By "not responsive", I mean, for some time, the mouse pointer is not
> > moving smoothly, to such extent that I can't do anything with the
> > mouse. It's like playing a multi-player game on a connection with a
> > lot of lag. It's not caused by global hook, because it happens under
> > certain condition, i.e. when fpa.ProcessEvent(word) is computing.
> > I included my main script for your reference. Comments:
> > (1) The automation method tc.Auto() is slow, but it doesn't cause any
> > problem, because the user would wait for the automation to finish,
> > before he continues to do something.
> > (2) all other methods invoked are fast, except fpa.ProcessEvent(word)
> > (this information is obtained from profiling). It is this method that
> > causes 100% CPU usage. I'm planning to move this method to a separate
> > thread, so that OnEvent(event) can finish executing, while the
> > separate thread goes on to finish its calculation. Is this a good
> > idea?
> > import pyHook
> > import TypingAnalyzer
> > import GUI
> > def OnEvent(event):
> >    if hasattr(event, "Key") and event.Ascii == 9 and event.Key == "Tab"
> > and event.Injected == 0 and event.Alt == 0:
> >            tc.Auto()
> >            return False
> >    else:
> >            recognized = rk.ProcessEvent(event)
> >            if recognized:
> >                    tc.MatchChar(recognized)
> >                    paragraph = rc.ProcessEvent(recognized)
> >                    if paragraph:
> >                            for word in paragraph:
> >                                    fpa.ProcessEvent(word)
> >            return True
> > hm = pyHook.HookManager()
> > hm.MouseAllButtonsDown = OnEvent
> > hm.KeyDown = OnEvent
> > hm.HookMouse()
> > hm.HookKeyboard()
> > rk = TypingAnalyzer.ReadKey()
> > rc = TypingAnalyzer.ReadChar()
> > fpa =  TypingAnalyzer.Analysis()
> > tc = TypingAnalyzer.Automation(fpa)
> > if __name__ == '__main__':
> >    app = GUI.AWAApp()
> >    app.MainLoop()
> > Thank you for your attention.
> I can't readily comment on your code, since it's entirely written to
> three imports that I have never seen.  I have to assume that
> TypingAnalyzer contains logic to automate your external program.  I have
> no idea where GUI comes from, but I have to hope it knows how to
> efficiently use the CPU, like most gui event loops.  If  you don't do
> the pyHook, is the system quite responsive?
> I actually doubt if moving some of the logic to another thread is going
> to make any difference.  In Python, threading helps to overlap CPU bound
> stuff and I/O bound stuff.  But theoretically, as soon as you return to
> the event loop, your main thread is going to block, so it'll schedule
> the other thread.  The real question is whether there's communication
> going between the two processes in those various rk, rc, etc pieces.  
> It's easy for such protocols to become very inefficient.
> Since I can't directly help, at least I could suggest looking at XP's  
> ControlPanel->System->Advanced.  That gets you to a dialog entitled
> Performance Options.
> On the Advanced tab of that dialog, the first section is "processor
> scheduling".   Mine is set to "Programs" which means give extra priority
> to the GUI program that has the focus.  Presumably in your environment
> that'll be the typing code, not your python app.  Setting it to
> "Background services" would give more priority to the CPU bound of your
> python app.
> But once these two apps are aware of each other, they could be doing all
> sorts of things to confuse the scheduler.
> DaveA

Hi DaveA,

> If you don't do the pyHook, is the system quite responsive

I'm not sure how to answer this question. The program needs pyHook, so
I can't leave it out. Is there other alternative that could monitor
global input? Running other programs without pyHook creates no
problem. Running the pyHook example demo creates no problem either.

> But theoretically, as soon as you return to the event loop, your main thread 
> is going to block, so it'll schedule the other thread.

Could you explain more on this part? Your statement is mind boggling
to me.


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