On 08:00 pm, r...@freenet.co.uk wrote:
Zac Burns wrote in news:mailman.211.1253559803.2807.python- l...@python.org
in comp.lang.python:
The mysocket.mysend method given at
http://docs.python.org/howto/sockets.html has an (unwitting?) O(N**2)
complexity for long msg due to the string slicing.

I've been looking for a way to optimize this, but aside from a pure
python 'string slice view' that looks at the original string I can't
think of anything. Perhaps start and end keywords could be added to
send? I can't think of a reason for the end keyword,  but it would be
there for symmetry.

I ran this script on various versions of python I have access to:

#encoding: utf-8
raw_input( "start" )

s = 'x' * 1000000
r = [None] * 1000

raw_input( "allocated 1 meg + " )

for i in xrange(1000):
 r[i] = s[:]

raw_input( "end" )

Niether of the CPython versions (2.5 and 3.0 (with modified code))
exibited any memory increase between "allocated 1 meg + " and "end"

You bumped into a special case that CPython optimizes. s[:] is s. If you repeat your test with s[1:], you'll see memory climb as one might normally expect.
pypy-c (1.0.0) showed a 30k jump, and IronPython 2.0 showed a few megs

AIUI, as a python string is imutable, a slice of a string is a
new string which points (C char *) to the start of the slice data
and with a length that is the length of the slice, about 8 bytes
on 32 bit machine.

So even though a slice assignment new_s = s[:] appears to a python
programmer to make a "copy" of s, its only the a few bytes of
metadata (the pointer and the length) that is really copied, the
strings character data stays where it is.

So the code you cite is in fact O(N) as the copy is constant size.

This all (basically) valid for the special case of s[:]. For any other string slicing, though, the behavior is indeed O(N**2).

To the OP, you can get view-like behavior with the "buffer" builtin. Here's an example of its usage from Twisted, where it is employed for exactly the reason raised here:



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