On Sep 25, 1:11 pm, Torsten Mohr <tm...@s.netic.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for posting in german before, that was a mistake.
> I'd like to use a nested structure in memory that consists
> of dict()s and list()s, list entries can be dict()s, other list()s,
> dict entries can be list()s or other dict()s.
> The lists and dicts can also contain int, float, string, ...
> But i'd also like to have something like a "reference" to another
> entry.
> I'd like to refer to another entry and not copy that entry, i need to
> know later that this is a reference to another entry, i need to find
> also access that entry then.
> Is something like this possible in Python?
> The references only need to refer to entries in this structure.
> The lists may change at runtime (entries removed / added), so
> storing the index may not help.
> Thanks for any hints,
> Torsten.


maybe i know less python than you do, but i am talking from the point
of view of my common sense and experience. if you store an object in a
list more than once, i doubt that python creates a duplicate. unless
the object is a value type. thus you have a reference to this object
in both elements. and then if you are asking this question, maybe your
design is not good enough? would you explain the problem?

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