"chad" <cdal...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:4e260ef3-8b0e-4613-a4f8-1c267e875...@u16g2000pru.googlegroups.com...
On Sep 29, 7:20 pm, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> What's the sanest way to print out all the files in the directory that
> start with the underscore? Ie, I just want to list _1, _2, _3, _4.

I'd use a string's join() method to combine the results of a
list-comprehension or generator that filtered the output of
os.listdir() based on the startswith() method of the strings.

Left intentionally oblique and code-free because this sounds a
bit like a home-work problem.  If you're a python coder, that
should make pretty decent sense and be a one-liner to implement.


Okay, sorry for the delay to the response. I got side tracked trying
to stalk, I mean talk to the 59 year old neighbor girl. Anyways, I
couldn't get it to one in one line. Here is what I did...

% more rec.py

import os
import time

for filename in os.listdir("/usr/bbs/confs/september"):
    #stat = os.stat(filename)
    if filename.startswith("_"):
       print filename

L = [filename for filename in os.listdir("/usr/bbs/confs/september") if filename.startswith("_")]

Now you have a list with the desired filtered names.


It correctly prints out all the files in the directory that start with
an underscore.


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