Rich Healey <> wrote:

> It seems that my problem was that I can't assign a new function to the
> name func within the callonce() function. I can however interact with
> the func object (in this case storing information about whether or not
> I'd called it in it's __RECALL item.
> Is there a cleaner solution?

You want to call something, and have that something remember state between 
each call? If it was me I'd define a class rather than a function.

>> class CallableOnlyOnce(object):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func
    def __call__(self):
        f = self.func
        if f:
            self.func = None
            return f()

>>> def callonce(func):
        return CallableOnlyOnce(func)

>>> @callonce
def t2():
    print "T2 called"

>>> t2()
T2 called
>>> t2()

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