Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> There's nothing wrong with open source projects catering to a market,
> and there's nothing wrong with running open source software on a
> proprietary operating system. To behave otherwise might reduce the
> growth opportunities for Python and its community.
> no-zealotry-please-ly y'rs  - steve

I'm hesitant to label everybody who disagrees with you (and me) on
that a zealot.  Though I tend to take the same side you do, I'm not
entirely sure it's not just laziness on my part that I think that way.

Seems to me that holding opinions such as "it's a bad thing to support
open source software on closed source systems, and you should not do
it, for the common good" is far from crazy, even though I don't
currently happen to hold that view.



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