On Oct 6, 10:56 am, Ryan <heni...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Good day all!
> I've just inherited a large amount of python code. After spending some
> time pour through the code, I've noticed that the original developer
> (who is no longer w/ the company) constantly deletes the imported
> classes at the end of the .py file. Why would one want to do such a
> thing?

Sometimes an object is used only temporarily by a modules, while it's

In such cases, there are two reasons you might delete the object.  If
it uses a lot of memory you could free up the memory for other
objects.  Also you might want to clean up the module's namespace.

I del objects for these reasons sparingly, usually only when the
object uses a whole lot of memory, or the namespace is very messy.

However, I'm guessing that the person who wrote your code is just
overly paranoid.

Carl Banks

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