Hi again!

After testing the whole day, I have got my goals from the last email, but as always, another issues came up! and now that Ive been able to save a list of list (or multi-arrays) as below :

['100.mp3\n' '10008.mp3\n' '10005.mp3\n' '10001.mp3\n' '10006.mp3\n']
['10001.mp3\n' '10005.mp3\n' '100.mp3\n' '10008.mp3\n' '10006.mp3\n']
['10005.mp3\n' '10001.mp3\n' '100.mp3\n' '10008.mp3\n' '10006.mp3\n']
['10006.mp3\n' '10005.mp3\n' '10001.mp3\n' '100.mp3\n' '10008.mp3\n']
['10008.mp3\n' '100.mp3\n' '10001.mp3\n' '10005.mp3\n' '10006.mp3\n']

I am not able to manipulate it again! I read it with:
Myfile.read() and all what I get is a str type data, what make my aim very difficult to reach! What I want, is just to read one line(one specific line, so I wouldnt have to read the whole file) and to get the numbers of the songs from that line. Maybe I should save the information in another way... But I just get those lines as lists, and write them in a file. Is there a better way? I am very receptive to suggestions! Thanks again for your help!

Best regards,
Bea Mora

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