David Jackson wrote:
ok, cut and pasted, but changed the username/password to protect the innocent.
this is from interactive prompt.
let me know if i am still not doing the slashes correctly please.
i doubt authentication is the issue.; i can get pid information using
WQL queries.
objCreateProc.Create expects 4 strings (not objects?), right?

Invoking a method isn't as easy as that, I'm afraid. At
the risk of being boring, can I ask again why you aren't
using the wmi module, which solves these problems for
In short you want to do something like this:
(simplified for testing purposes to use the local machine)

import win32com.client

wmi = win32com.client.GetObject ("winmgmts:")
win32_process = wmi.Get ("Win32_Process")
in_parameters = win32_process.Methods_ ("Create").InParameters
in_parameters.Properties_ ('CommandLine').Value = "notepad.exe"
result = win32_process.ExecMethod_ ("Create", in_parameters)



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