Hello Shay,

"Shay Telfer" <shaypyt...@earthyself.com> wrote in message news:mailman.1021.1254988413.2807.python-l...@python.org...

It seems that python will accept a .py file piped from stdin, but not a .pyc file (and there don't seem to be any flags to allow this). Am I missing something?


cat blah.py | python

works, but

cat blah.pyc | python

Try for example: python -c "import blah"

doesn't. (If you're wondering why anyone would do this it's because I'm actually intending to use curl rather than cat :)

The former works because the Python interpreter understands python syntax, and when you (in the latter case) provide the interpreter a pyc file it surely won't work because it does not understand those compiled bytes just like that....


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