En Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:11:04 -0300, niklasr <nikla...@gmail.com> escribió:
On Oct 8, 5:25 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de...@nospam.web.de> wrote:
NiklasRTZ schrieb:
> Hello, my basic question is which recommendation is after slight
> restructuring datetime.datetime to datetime
- how to import is mostly a matter of taste, as long as you refrain
from using "from datetime import *"e
type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime' Traceback
(most recent call last):
is flexible, both ways worked just that self complying towards more
professional projects naturally feels right. Above error log seemingly
caused by import datetime instead of from datetime import datetime.
The datetime module doesn't contain anything useful apart from the five
classes: date, time, datetime, timedelta and tzinfo. So using "from
datetime import ..." is fine.
Then changed import and cut the first datetime occurance which looks
good but breaks next sync with other.
Just make sure to replace *all* occurrences of "datetime.datetime" to
"datetime", etc. Should be easy to do.
I don't know what you mean "breaks next sync with other".
Gabriel Genellina