En Fri, 09 Oct 2009 06:36:45 -0300, Rob Garrett <rgagarr...@gmail.com> escribió:

I'm trying to get gnuplot to display multiple data series on a single
plot using gnuplot in python.  I've searched around and haven't found
a solution to how to do this when I have a variable-length list of
plots to add.

For example, the following code will work:

plotData1 = Gnuplot.PlotItems.Data(data1, title="title1")
plotData2 = Gnuplot.PlotItems.Data(data2, title="title2")
g.plot( plotData1, plotData2 )

[I've removed the rest of the code for clarity]

But how can I do the following instead:

data = []
# Populate data
plots = []
for dataSet in data:

g.plot(*plots) should work; it's like calling g.plot(plots[0], plots[1], plots[2]...)

See http://docs.python.org/reference/expressions.html#calls for the gory details.

Gabriel Genellina


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