On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Stef Mientki <stef.mien...@gmail.com>wrote:

> In languages like Delphi, you get an error message, trying to use circular
> references,
> but solving them in large programs with a lot of history can be very
> painful.

> === solution 1 ===

Inserting a launcher into the IDE,
> so instead of running the application as a script,
> the file will always be executed as a module.
> """

Eh. If you must do it this way, just launch the program as 'python -c
"import modulename; modulename.main()" <arguments>'. Then the __main__
becomes that little string. The only "cost" then becomes "make sure there's
a main function". That's pretty minimal isn't it? Sure you'll make changes
to lots of different modules, but only once, and those changes are probably
almost boilerplate and simple.

=== solution 2  ===
> Prevent execution of the code in this file if the file is ran as a script.



Really.. at a certain point all these hacks to get Python to work in some
weird-other-unpythony-way WILL come back and make your "large program with
lots of history" descend into a pit of chaos and either rise up again and
conquer the world in its evil ways, or, just decay and die under the weight
of its own hacks :)

[ I'm still slightly reeling, I admit, for the module you posted the other
day which recursively added package directories to PYTHONPATH :) ]

I can't help but think you're overestimating the "very" on "very painful" --
either way that's a one-time cost. I am responsible for maintaining a
project whose non-thirdparty code totals about 157k lines over 690 files
(Interesting statistic: including thirdparty code the project jumps to 644k
over almost 2.5k files) and have on occasion had to go and do some global
refactor to designs things I did before that were Badly when I was first
learning big-projects-in-Python.

Yeah it's a little painful.

The overall reward of a more maintainable system down the road doing things
in the natural Python way were so worth it :)

But. YMMV :)


> if __name__=='__main__':
>  import os, sys
>  # determine the name of myself
>  a = sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename
>  X = os.path.splitext ( os.path.split(a)[1] ) [0]
>  #import myself as 'ME'
>  ME = __import__ ( X )
>  # run some code in myself
>  ME.functional_code ()
>  # prevent that the code below is executed,
>  # ( for the second time )
>  # if this file is used as a script
>  sys.exit()
> print 'One time import code'
> def functional_code () :
>  print 'Functional Code'
> any comment ?
> thanks,
> Stef Mientki
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Stephen Hansen
Advanced Prepress Technology

(818) 748-9282

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