On Oct 11, 9:07 am, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de...@nospam.web.de> wrote:
> Feyo schrieb:
> > How can I use Python to complete web form fields automatically? My
> > work web-based email time-out is like 15 seconds. Every time I need to
> > access my calendar, address book, or email, I have to type in my
> > username and password. I'm just tired of it.
> > I found theClientFormmodule and have been working with it. Can do
> > what I want in a unit testing sense to have responses sent and
> > returned, but what I want to do is much simpler. Any ideas? Thanks.
>   1) hit your sysadmin with a cluestick
>   2) in case of failure of 1), install greasemonkey to make some
> nonsense-action on the page every few seconds.
> Diez

Thanks, I'll take a look at greasemonkey. Never used it before.

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