On 2009-10-12, Gabriel Genellina <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

>> my_prissy_little_indicator_variable = true
>> while (my_prissy_little_indicator_variable){
>>     <body>
>> }
>> isn't satisfying because it doesn't guard the <body> with any
>> assurance that the loop invariant will be true before you enter into
>> that block of code.
> I think you meant the other way; the above is the simplest loop case, with  
> the test at the start.

Except the test at the start is meaningless when it comes to
reading the code and troubleshooting.  What counts are
assignments to my_prissy_little_indicator_variable inside the
loop.  And those aren't really any easier to spot that "break"

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I want to read my new
                                  at               poem about pork brains and
                               visi.com            outer space ...

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