En Tue, 13 Oct 2009 23:13:24 -0300, Peng Yu <pengyu...@gmail.com> escribió:

Bash is easy to use on manipulating files and directories (like change
name or create links, etc) and on calling external programs. For
simple functions, bash along is enough. However, bash does not support
the complex functions. Python has a richer library that could provide
support for complex functions (such compute the relative path between
two paths).

I'm wondering for a task that can not be done with bash along whether
it would be better to do in pure python or with a mix of both python
and bash. What I care is mostly coding speed and a little bit
maintainability (but not much). Can somebody provide some experience
on when to combine python and bash and when to use pure python?

You may be interested in this article:

and these from David M. Beazley (more advanced):

Gabriel Genellina


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