On Tuesday, 13 October 2009 11:42:03 jacopo wrote:
> Background:
> I have a main machine dispatching heavy calculations to different
> machines, collecting the results, performing some calculation on the
> merged results and starting all over again with fresher data. I
> implemented a first solution with Twisted PB, then I decided it was
> more flexible to rely on an AMQP system and I started looking at
> RabbitMQ with txAMQP . Now I am getting really frustrated with the
> complexity of Twisted and the reactor, I am realizing that probably I
> don’t need to handle asynchronicity. Some degree of asynchronicity is
> already handled by the Messaging system and I don’t need to take care
> of it in my components (they keep waiting for a message, when they get
> it they are fully engaged in processing and they cannot do much more).

Have you looked at Pyro?

- Hendrik


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