On Tuesday, 13 October 2009 17:22:55 Janto Dreijer wrote:
> I'm looking for code that will calculate the running median of a
> sequence, efficiently. (I'm trying to subtract the running median from
> a signal to correct for gradual drift).
> My naive attempt (taking the median of a sliding window) is
> unfortunately too slow as my sliding windows are quite large (~1k) and
> so are my sequences (~50k). On my PC it takes about 18 seconds per
> sequence. 17 of those seconds is spent in sorting the sliding windows.
> I've googled around and it looks like there are some recent journal
> articles on it, but no code. Any suggestions?
Can you not use the mean instead?  It is easier to calculate, as you do not 
have to work through all the values.

- Hendrik


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