On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Samir aluko...@work
<a.dexter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am making a simple program in Croatian. In the beginning I set "# -
> *- coding: cp1250 -*-" code and when i run it in Python shell it comes
> out fine, but when i compile it with py2exe he doesn't print out
> croatian letters but he prints out tottaly other letters. I checked
> the CMD and it supports croatian letters. If you want an source code
> and setup file send me an e-mail at a.dexter...@gmail.com

What's the encoding of cmd? Just because it supports Croatian letters
doesn't mean it's cp1250. The American version of Windows usually uses
cp1252 but cmd is still cp843.
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