On Saturday, 17 October 2009 16:30:55 Aahz wrote:
> In article <mailman.1589.1255781573.2807.python-l...@python.org>,
> Tim Rowe  <digi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >The point is that an exception causes a change in program flow, so of
> >course they're used for flow control. It's what they do. The question
> >is in what cases it's appropriate to use them.
> Standard Python idiom:
> try:
>     d[key] += value
> except KeyError:
>     d[key] = value
> Maybe you need to re-think "appropriate".

Standard Python idiom:

if key in d:
  d[key] += value
  d[key] = value

 Maybe you need to re-think "appropriate".

- Hendrik


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