On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Ronn Ross <ronn.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using pySerial to connect to a serial port (rs232) on a windows xp
> machine. I'm using python interactive interpretor to interact with the
> device. I type the following:
> import serial
> ser = serial.Serial(2)
> ser.write("command")
> But this does nothing to the control. I have been able to connect via puTTY
> to verify that the command and the device are working. Next I tried to open
> the port before
> writing. It looks like this:
> import serial
> ser = serial.Serial(2)
> ser.open()
> It returns that an error. It states that I do not have permissions? I don't
> know how to resolve either issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried setting the baud rate? (the `baudrate` param to
Serial's constructor)
Why are you using port #2 and not #0?


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