sorry for my english
thanks again for your answer ;)

i did that ....

                o = open("output.txt","w")
                data = open(filename).read()
                o.write( re.sub('&(?!amp;|quot;|nbsp;|gt;|lt;|laquo;|
raquo;|copy;|reg;|bul;|rsquo;)', '&', data) )
                xml = etree.parse(filename)
                xml = ET.parse(filename)

it's dirty but works

On 27 oct, 09:36, Stefan Behnel <> wrote:
> Toff, 27.10.2009 09:15:
> > On 27 oct, 09:03, Christian Heimes <> wrote:
> >> Toff wrote:
> >>> hello
> >>> i can't parse a file with lxml
> >>> ================================================================
> >>>   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
> >>>  <packages>
> >>>  <package id="firefox" name="FireFox 3.5" >
> >>>   <download url="
> >>> product=firefox-3.5&os=win&lang=fr"  />
> >>>   </package>
> >>>   </packages>
> >>> =========================================================================
> >>> i know that & is a special caracter in xml
> >> Because & has a special meaning in XML you have to quote a literal & as
> >> &amp;
> > but does my download url still allways works with & replace by $amp;
> In case you want to know if the URL keeps working if you replace '&' by
> '&amp;' in your XML file, then the answer is that it will actually /start/
> working that way, because it will not work the way you show above. An XML
> parser will return the URL as expected.
> Note that it's also best to use an XML toolkit to actually generate XML, in
> case you wrote the above file programmatically.
> Stefan


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