Dotan Cohen a écrit :
I should probably expand on this:

How can I get an array with all the GET variables in Python?
How can I get an array with all the POST variables in Python?
How can I get an array with all the COOKIE variables in Python?
How can I get the request URI path (everything after

That's all I want: no templates and nothing between me and the HTML.
The HTTP headers I can output to stdout myself as well.
Again: if you insist on doing everything yourself - then of course any
library or framework isn't for you.

I insist on handling the HTML myself.

I just don't get how embedding HTML in applicative code - a well-known antipattern FWIW - relates to "handling the HTML yourself". Can you *please* explain how a templating system prevents you from "handling the HTML" yourself.

I think you underestimate the task it is to make a webapplication good.

Probably, but that would not depend on the scripting language. I make
bad webapplications in PHP too!

Lol !

even if not, what you will do is ... code your own webframework.

That is why I am looking for a class that handles the backend stuff,
but lets _me_ handle the HTML.

For God's sake : *why on earth do you believe that using a templating system will make you loose _any_ control on the HTML code ???*

And at least pylons/TG2 lets you return whatever you want instead, as a
string. Not via "print" though - which is simply only for CGI, and no other
means (e.g. mod_wsgi) of python-web-programming.

I am trying to follow you here. What is "return whatever you want"?
Return HTML to stdout to be sent to the browser?

please leave stdout out of here - it's HTTP, so what we have are HTTP requests and HTTP responses - not stdin nor stdout. Using these streams as a mean of communication between the web server and the applicative code is just plain old low-level GCI stuff. Your application code shouldn't have any knowledge of this implementation detail - it should receive (a suitable representation of) an HTTP request, and generate (a suitable representation of) an HTTP response.

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