Dotan Cohen a écrit :
While I know that to be true in the general sense, from what I've
looked at Django and other frameworks it seems that the web frameworks
push the coder to use templates, not letting him near the HTML.
Well... there must be a reason, for sure... No ?

ֹYes, but I don't like it.
Why so ? What's your problem with templating systems, exactly ?

They don't give me the control over the HTML that I would like. I'm
probably stuck in 1998 when they didn't exist, but I like to write the
HTML myself.


*Why* on earth do you think using a templating system will give you any less control on the generated HTML ?


Django and the other frameworks seem to
force the user to use templates.
Not at all. Nothing prevents you from shooting yourself in the foot and
generating HTML "by hand" in your view functions (or request handler
etc, depending on the framework).
How is this done in Django, then?
def index(request):
   unmaintanable_html = """
   <h1>Embedded HTML is a PITA</h1>
   <p>but some like pains...</p>
   return HttpResponse(unmaintanable_html)

And if I need to add a variable or three in there?

- first solution : use string formatting

python 2.x example:

unmaintanable_html = """

data = dict(
  h1="Poor man's templating",
  text="Won't get you very far..."

return HttpResponse(unmaintanable_html % data)

- second solution: do basically the same thing with a template system - which will give you much more power and options...

Static HTML I can
do without Python.

Sorry, I forgot to setup a database etc for this example !-)


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