John Ridley wrote:
> fabien wrote on Sun, 01 May 2005 05:40:05 -0700:
Hello John,
> Hello Fabien
>>I am writing a POV-RAY editor with Python using
>>either QT or GTK as GUI 'wrapper'. ( I am still trying both )
>>I have also downloaded qscintilla-1.62-gpl-1.5.1.
>>As for GTK, I also found the LexPOV.cpp file, with
>>no POV keywords in it and with no POV keywords in
>>any of the file in the package.
>>The compilation builds then move the library
>> to /usr/lib/qt3/lib.
>>How do I link the newly built library to the folling qt script :
> QScintilla is a port to Qt of the Scintilla editor control, and PyQt
> provides the python bindings for it. Scintilla has several dozen lexers
> (including one for POV), and QScintilla currently provides class
> wrappers for a small selection of them - but not POV, as you will see
> from the documentation:
> Given this, there are two routes you can go down. You could ask the
> developer of QScintilla to provide support for POV by making a request
> via the mailing list:
> Or you could write your own POV lexer class in python using the
> existing QScintilla APIs. This is not particularly difficult, but it
> does take some working out. As you already know, a list of POV keywords
> is required. You will then need to look at the source (LexPOV.cpp and
> SciLexer.h) to see how the keywords are used and how the lexical states
> tie up with the SCE_POV enum. QScintilla's lexer classes are mainly
> wrappers around this information, so once you've worked it out, writing
> a python class based on QextScintillaLexer is fairly straightforward:

Well I have tried to use two files called "qextscintillalexerlua.cpp" 
and "qextsinctillalexerlua.h". I noticed that the LUA language used the 
same type of syntax as for POV. I copied them both to 
qextscintillalexerpov and replaced all the keywords found in them with 
I compiled and it worked : I got a that was modified in 

The hitch is that a scintilla PYQT script also needs a file called
/usr/share/sip/qextscintillalexerperl.sip ( here for perl ).

I do not have a clue how to build a qextscintillalexerpov.sip file.

I looked at:
but it is all chinese to me. A do not  know C.

-> This is where I am going to contact river-bank for information.

>>>>class LexerPOV(QextScintillaLexer):
>>>>    def __init__(self, parent, name):
>>>>        QextScintillaLexer.__init__(self, parent, name)
>>>>    def lexer(self):
>>>>        return "pov"
>>>>    def color(self, style):
>>>>        # styles map to (SCE_POV enum)
>>>>        # return your own QColor
>>>>        # or return the base class default
>>>>        return QextScintillaLexer.color(self, style)
>>>>    def keywords(self, set):
>>>>        # if set == 0:
>>>>        #     return <pov keywords>
>>>>        # elif ...
>>>>        return 0
>>>>    def description(self, style):
>>>>        # if style == 0:
>>>>        #     return"Default")
>>>>        # elif ...
>>>>        return QString.null
Thanks for the example and for the information


to reply, remove '_nospam_'

> Of course, this is a minimal lexer class - it is possible to be a lot
> more sophisticated than what is suggested here.
> John Ridley
> Send instant messages to your online friends 

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