Harlin Seritt wrote:
> {1:1} Random text here. {1:2} More text here. and so on.
> Of course the {*} can be of any length, so I can't just do .split()
> based on the length of the bracket text. What I would like to do is to
> .split() using something akin to this:
> textdata.split('{*}') # The '*' being a wildcard
> Is this possible to do? If so, how is it done?

You should look into re module.
regex has more flexible features for text processing than string
  module or methods.

- Regular expression operations

In your case, the code would go like this:

   >>> text = '{1:1} Random text here. {1:2} More text here. and so on.'
   >>> import re
   >>> pattern = re.compile('{\d+:\d+}')
   >>> pattern.split(text)
   ['', ' Random text here. ', ' More text here. and so on.']



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