Jean-Michel Pichavant <> writes:

> Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> > Start learning a decent editor (emacs is mine) which allows you to
> > deal with all of your perceived "problems"
> This is a declaration of war against the vi community. We won't give
> up, prepare for vengeance !

Bah. Saying that Emacs is a decent text editor doesn't preclude other
decent text editors. You and your pugilistic editor wars...

Of course, vi is *not* a decent text editor (which, to my reckoning,
requires all of: free software, mature, widely used, powerful,
extensible and — because of all the preceding points — extensive support
for a huge range of editing tasks).

The only text editors that make the bar are Emacs and Vim. Anyone who
disagrees had better be prepared for vengeance.

 \      “Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.” |
  `\                              —Mark Twain, _Following the Equator_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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