Kee Nethery wrote:
> I just noticed the tag line "a place for Python". Looked it up online
> ( and it will be interesting to see if it can fill
> the void that I experience (no centralized place to post and view user
> submitted sample code) in the existing Python community.

There already is a well-known site for exchanging code snippets:

        The ActiveState Cookbook for Python

> As for user community fragmentation, I would guess that someone would be
> less likely to create such a site if the user community needs were being
> met by the official sites. There is a place for the existing old school
> interaction forums (the IRC channel, the Usenet groups and mailing
> lists), but there is also a place for archived user submitted comments.
> My personal preference would be a link in each sub-paragraph in the
> official documentation to a wiki page devoted to that specific aspect of
> the Python language. A place were users could augment the documentation
> by providing sample code and by expanding out the documentation for
> those of us who don't live and breath Python in our sleep. Real Python
> coders would not click on the user wiki links and all of us newbies
> could communicate with each other. But until a place like that exists,
> perhaps Pyfora will get us part way there.

I'm sure something like that could be added to the official
documentation. Please file a feature request for on the Python

We could have a dedicated place on the wiki to host
such snippets and then use sub-pages for the various topics.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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