Someone Something wrote:
I'm writing a simple tax calculator with Tkinter (just for fun).
Here's my current code:


        def printResult(self):
                if self.nrate is None | self.nincome is None:

There's no such attribute as nrate or nincome.

Also, "|" is the bitwise operator. You probably intended "or" instead.

                        print "Clear everything and start again.";
                        print "Don't fool around with me.";
                        self.result.insert(END, str(self.nresult));

Try this instead:

    def printResult(self):
            rate = float(self.rate.get())
            income = float(self.income.get())
            result = ((100.0 - rate) / 100.0) * income
            self.result.insert(END, str(result))
        except ValueError:
            print "Clear everything and start again."
            print "Don't fool around with me."


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