Because the problem that gave rise to this question is insignificant.
I would want to know the answer in any case.  *Can* it be done in
Python at all?


OK, if you must know:

With Perl one can set a module-global variable before the module
is loaded.  This provides a very handy backdoor during testing.

# in t/some_test.t script
BEGIN { $My::Module::TESTING = 1; }
use My::Module;

and in My/

package My::Module;
our $TESTING ||= 0; # set to 0 unless already initialized to !0 ...
if ($TESTING) {
  # throw testing switches

This does not work in Python, because setting my.module.TESTING
variable can happen only after my.module has been imported, but by
this point, the module's top-level code has already been executed,
so setting my.module.TESTING would have no effect.  But one way to
get a similar effect would be to have my.module set its TESTING
(or whatever) variable equal to the value of this variable in the
*importing* module.

I don't understand enough (actually nothing) from perl, but I *am* a heavily test-driven developer in Python. And never felt that need.

Sure, sometimes one wants to change behavior of a module under test, e.g. replacing something with a stub or some such.

But where is the problem doing

--- ---

import moduletobetested as m

m.SOME_GLOBAL = "whatever"




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