Victor Subervi wrote:
Someone on this list just recommended I find an ftp client that enables me
to change line endings. He indicated that it would be easy, but googling I
haven't been able to find one. I would prefer a free client, but whatever.
Please send me a recommendation.


fireftp is an (free) addon to Firefox. If you're already using Firefox, it's painless to download it, and easy to use. You can set up account(s) complete with passwords and default directories, and then transfer individual files or directory trees full just by selecting and pressing the Arrow icons (one for upload, one for download). You can sort by timestamp, so it's not hard to just transfer new stuff.

One of the Tools->Options tabs is "Downloads/Uploads". First box looks like:

  When transferring files use:
              o - Automatic mode
              o - Binary mode
              o - ASCII mode

According to the help, Automatic mode is very useful for CGI scripts, where you specify which extensions will get the line-endings converted.

But please understand: I personally use Binary mode in FireFTP because I'm a control freak. Python can handle Unix line-endings just fine, so any files that are bound for CGI I just edit in that mode in the first place.



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