On Nov 14, 12:26 pm, kj <no.em...@please.post> wrote:
> The two goals of replacing C with "something more modern" and at
> the same time have a "nearly zero learning curve" seem to me mutually
> negating.  The closer to zero the learning curve is, the closer to
> C/C++, and therefore the less modern, that language will be.

Not at all. A language with a small learning curve should be as far as
possible for C++!

Go is in many ways simpler than C (no header files, a simpler
compilation process, no pointer arithmetic, no ternary operator, no
while loop, in a sense no threads, etc) and it has an object
orientation simpler than most languages; actually it looks even
simpler than Python in many respects (no properties, no decorators, no
a much simpler version of inheritance ...). It has static typing that
makes things a bit more complicated, but also safer in same respect.
It has also reflection and the ability to do a lot of things at
runtime. If people starts writing libraries it has the potential to
cover both C and Python niches at the same time!

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