Paul Rubin wrote:
Terry Reedy <> writes:
To post from g.c.p.g, one must use a real email address and respond
once to an email sent to that address.

So, the only reason to use c.l.p is if one wants to post anonymously,
like the spammers do ;-).

No I don't think so.  "Unwilling to disclose email address or enroll
yet another computer account" is not the same as "anonymous".

There is no 'enrolling' except for hitting reply to an email *when you first post*, but never to just read. You point your news reader to gmane just like to any other newsserver. Once you do, you have access to a couple hundred other Python mailing lists and 1000s of others. I believe c.l.p is one of the few that also appear on gmane, and only because of its gateway to/from python-list.

Terry Jan Reedy


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