On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 18:25:59 -0800, Vincent Manis wrote:

> On 2009-11-13, at 15:32, Paul Rubin wrote:
>>   This is Usenet so
>> please stick with Usenet practices.
> Er, this is NOT Usenet.

Actually it is. I'm posting to comp.lang.python.

> 1. I haven't, to the best of my recollection, made a Usenet post in this
> millennium.

Actually you have, you just didn't know it.

> 2. I haven't fired up a copy of rn or any other news reader in at least
> 2 decades.
> 3. I'm on the python-list mailing list, reading this with Apple's Mail
> application, which actually doesn't have convenient ways of enforcing
> `Usenet practices' regarding message format.

Nevertheless, the standards for line length for email and Usenet are 

> 4. If we're going to adhere to tried-and-true message format rules, I
> want my IBM 2260 circa 1970, with its upper-case-only display and weird
> little end-of-line symbols.

No you don't, you're just taking the piss.

> Stephen asked me to wrap my posts. I'm happy to do it. Can we please
> finish this thread off and dispose of it?

My name is actually Steven, but thank you for wrapping your posts.


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