En Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:11:20 -0300, Tommy Grav <tg...@me.com> escribió:
On Nov 15, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Fri, 13 Nov 2009 16:05:26 -0300, Ronn Ross <ronn.r...@gmail.com> escribió:

I'm attempting to convert latitude and longitude coordinates from degrees
minutes and second to decimal form. I would like to go from:
   N39 42 36.3 W77 42 51.5

decimal = degrees + minutes/60.0 + seconds/3600.0
N,E are positive; S,W are negative.
But the above numbers don't match.

It is more complicated than that. For negative numbers the value is degrees -minutes/60. - seconds/3600.
And people always trip up on numbers that start with -00 :)

I set the sign of the result *after* computing it, so it doesn't matter.

py> 39 + 42/60.0 + 36.3/3600
py> 77 + 42/60.0 + 51.5/3600

Either the example above is incorrect, or there is another thing involved.

Gabriel Genellina


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