vegetax wrote:

> Jeff Epler wrote:
>> You could write something like
>>     class ThreadSpecificFile:
>>         def set_stdout(f):
>>             self.files[thread_id] = f
>>         def write(data):
>>             self.files[thread_id].write(data)
>>     sys.stdout = ThreadSpecificFile()
>> where you'll have to fill out a few more things like thread_id,
>> __init__, and a way to clean up items from self.files when a thread
>> passes away.
>> Jeff
> Thats what i was looking for,Thanks =)

So it would be something like this, right??

class ThreadSpecificFile:
         def __init__(s):
             self.files = []
         def set_stdout(f,thread_id):
             self.files[thread_id] = f
         def clean_up(thread_id):
             del self.files[thread_id]
         def write(data):

sys.stdout = ThreadSpecificFile()


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