On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:14 AM, Virgil Stokes <v...@it.uu.se> wrote:
> If one goes to the following URL:
> http://www.nordea.se/Privat/Spara%2boch%2bplacera/Strukturerade%2bprodukter/Aktieobligation%2bNr%2b99%2bEuropa%2bAlfa/973822.html
> it contains a link (click on "Current courses NBD AT99 3113A") to:
> http://service.nordea.com/nordea-openpages/six.action?target=/nordea.public/bond/nordeabond.page&magic=%28cc+%28detail+%28tsid+310746%29%29%29&;
> and if you now click on the tab labeled "history and compare" this will take
> you to:
> http://service.nordea.com/nordea-openpages/six.action?target=/nordea.public/bond/nordeabond.page&magic=%28cc+%28detail+%28tsid+310746%29+%28view+hist%29%29%29&;
> Finally...This is where I would like to "connect to" the data on a daily
> basis or to gather data over different time intervals. I believe that if I
> can get some help on this, then I will be able to customize the code as
> needed for my own purposes.

HTML parsing: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
Downloading webpages: http://docs.python.org/library/urllib.html#urllib.urlopen

BeautifulSoup is excellently documented:
You'll probably be interested in the sections on searching and
navigating the parse tree.

IANAL and do not condone violating website TOSes

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