Scott David Daniels <> writes:

> Well, let's see. You want to do gui work without learning things. Good
> luck with that. If you discover how, I'd like to learn tensor analysis
> without using symbols or operations more complex than addition and
> subtraction. Maybe your groundwork can help me out with that.
> I must be in a really cranky mood today.

Yeah, it seems that way. Best to let such replies stew in your “Drafts”
folder, get the catharsis from having vented your frustration, then
delete them unsent once you feel better. Works wonders for me :-)

 \      “If society were bound to invent technologies which could only |
  `\   be used entirely within the law, then we would still be sitting |
_o__)       in caves sucking our feet.” —Gene Kan, creator of Gnutella |
Ben Finney

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