On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 5:48 AM, Paul Rubin
<http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

> What about Git?  Some people prefer it.

Git is an interesting example, because it both really pushes
performance into its core structure and reasonably complete
implementations exist in other languages. In particular, jgit is
implemented in java by one of the core git developer, here is what he
has to say:


I found the comment on "optimizing 5% here and 5 % there" interesting.
It is often claimed that optimization should be done after having
found the hotspot, but that does not always apply, and I think git is
a good example of that.

In those cases, using python as the main language does not work well,
at least in my experience. Rewriting the slow parts in a compiled
language only works if you can identify the slow parts, and even in
numerical code, that's not always possible (this tends to happen when
you need to deal with many objects interacting together, for example).


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