On 11/16/09, Ian Ward <i...@excess.org> wrote:
> Announcing Urwid 0.9.9
> ----------------------
> Urwid home page:
>    http://excess.org/urwid/
> Updated screen shots:
>    http://excess.org/urwid/examples.html

How did you make the html 'screenshots'? I guess you have some kind of
urwid2html tool or some such or is it plain ncurses?

Urwid is really cool!


> Tarball:
>    http://excess.org/urwid/urwid-0.9.9.tar.gz
> RSS:
>    http://excess.org/feeds/tag/urwid/
> About this release:
> ===================
> This release includes many new features developed since the last major
> release.  Urwid now supports 256 and 88 color terminals.  A new MainLoop
> class has been introduced to tie together widgets, user input, screen
> display and an event loop.  Twisted and GLib-based event loops are now
> supported directly.  A new AttrMap class now allows mapping any
> attribute to any other attribute.  Most of the code base has been
> cleaned up and now has better documentation and testing.  Lots of other
> improvements are listed below.
> New in this release:
> ====================
>    * New support for 256 and 88 color terminals with raw_display
>      and html_fragment display modules
>    * New palette_test example program to demonstrate high color
>      modes
>    * New AttrSpec class for specifying specific colors instead of
>      using attributes defined in the screen's palette
>    * New MainLoop class ties together widgets, user input, screen
>      display and one of a number of new event loops, removing the
>      need for tedious, error-prone boilerplate code
>    * New GLibEventLoop allows running Urwid applications with GLib
>      (makes D-Bus integration easier)
>    * New TwistedEventLoop allows running Urwid with a Twisted reactor
>    * Added new docstrings and doctests to many widget classes
>    * New AttrMap widget supports mapping any attribute to any other
>      attribute, replaces AttrWrap widget
>    * New WidgetDecoration base class for AttrMap, BoxAdapter, Padding,
>      Filler and LineBox widgets creates a common method for accessing
>      and updating their contained widgets
>    * New left and right values may be specified in Padding widgets
>    * New command_map for specifying which keys cause actions such as
>      clicking Button widgets and scrolling ListBox widgets
>    * New tty_signal_keys() method of raw_display.Screen and
>      curses_display.Screen allows changing or disabling the keys used
>      to send signals to the application
>    * Added helpful __repr__ for many widget classes
>    * Updated all example programs to use MainLoop class
>    * Updated tutorial with MainLoop usage and improved examples
>    * Renamed WidgetWrap.w to _w, indicating its intended use as a way
>      to implement a widget with other widgets, not necessarily as
>      a container for other widgets
>    * Replaced all tabs with 4 spaces, code is now more aerodynamic
>      (and PEP 8 compliant)
>    * Added saving of stdin and stdout in raw_display module allowing
>      the originals to be redirected
>    * Updated BigText widget's HalfBlock5x4Font
>    * Fixed graph example CPU usage when animation is stopped
>    * Fixed a memory leak related to objects listening for signals
>    * Fixed a Popen3 deprecation warning
> About Urwid
> ===========
> Urwid is a console UI library for Python. It features fluid interface
> resizing, UTF-8 support, multiple text layouts, simple attribute markup,
> powerful scrolling list boxes and flexible interface design.
> Urwid is released under the GNU LGPL.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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