
But this doesn't work. I've ended using something like this:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.Element("root", dict(a='v', b='v2', c='v3'))
n = ET.SubElement(root,'d')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
import sys

On 17 Lis, 15:36, Stefan Behnel <> wrote:
> Slafs, 17.11.2009 15:19:
> > I'm little confused about adding attributes to the root node when
> > creating an XML document.
> > Can I do this using minidom or something else.
> Yes, you /can/, but you /should/ use something else.
> > I can't find anything that would fit my needs.
> > i would like to have something like this:
> > <?xml ... ?>
> > <root a="v" b="v2" c="v3">
> >     <d ... > </d>
> >    ....
> > </root>
> Use ElementTree:
>     import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>     root = ET.Element("root", dict(a='v', b='v2', c='v3'))
>     root.SubElement('d')
>     print ET.tostring(root)
> Stefan


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