On 18 lis, 03:09, "Mark Tolonen" <metolone+gm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Chris Withers" <ch...@simplistix.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:4b02d1e3.6080...@simplistix.co.uk...
> > Mark Tolonen wrote:
> >>>> Please I need Calling Python functions from Excel and receive result
> >>>> back in Excel. Can me somebody advise simplest solution please? I am
> >>>> more VBA programmer than Python.
> >>> Tryhttp://code.google.com/p/pyinex/
> >> The book Python: Programming on Win32 has a whole chapter on COM, and a
> >> section on COM servers.
> > ...and it's generally accepted that COM sucks rocks through straws, so
> > explore alternatives when they're available ;-)
> > Chris
> True, but as usual Python makes it pretty darn easy (requires PyWin32):
> ------------- ex.py -------------------------------
> class Example(object):
>     _public_methods_ = ['Add','Mul']
>     _reg_progid_ = 'MyPython.Example'
>     _reg_clsid_ = '{insert_GUID_here}'
>     def Add(self,a,b):
>         return a+b
>     def Mul(self,a,b):
>         return a*b
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     import win32com.server.register
>     win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(Example)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -------------- Excel Macro ----------------------
> Sub Testit()
>     Set ex = CreateObject("MyPython.Example")
>     Range("A1") = ex.Add(1, 2)
>     Range("A2") = ex.Mul(3, 4)
> End Sub
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Just run the script to register the server.  "ex.py --unregister" will
> remove it.
> -Mark

Thanks very much. It works perfectly!!! :-)

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