Themis Bourdenas wrote:
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Ethan Furman < <>> wrote:

    So "shallow copy" == "new label created for existing object".

    So is your desired behavior to write back to the original list if your
    sub-list is modified?  In other words, you are creating a window onto an
    existing list?  If not, what would happen when a sublist element was
    modified (or deleted, or appended, or ...)?


Yes a window / view on the existing list describes it best. So every modification you make in this view is actually modifying the original list accordingly. Blist that was suggested in a previous email in the thread seems lightweight but it does create a new list when a modification is made. In any case, I've already implemented the object myself and I can post it if you care to have a look, but I was just wondering if there was already something in the standard library.


Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with the stdlib yet (gotta buy that book!). I'm going to guess 'No' since nobody has chimed in with a 'Yes', though.

I'd love to see what you have for that. Does in support a stepped window, or only contiguous sequences? The one I put together this afternoon only does contiguous sequences, as I had no use cases to decide how assignments of multiple items should be handled, and not a lot of time to implement something generic -- so, to answer John's question from a completely different thread, yes I do enjoy working on small projects even if IAGNI. :)



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