Ethan Furman a écrit :
The problem I have with properties is my typing. I'll end up assigning to an attribute, but get the spelling slightly wrong (capitalized, or missing an underscore -- non-obvious things when bug-hunting), so now I have an extra attribute which of course has zero effect on what I'm trying to do and I start getting wierd results like viewing deleted records when I *know* I set useDeleted = False... 30 minutes later I notice it was /supposed/ to be use_deleted. *sigh*

So -- to keep myself out of trouble -- I have started coding such things as, for example:

result = table.use_deleted()       # returns True or False
table.use_deleted(False)           # skip deleted records

instead of

result = table.use_deleted
table.use_deleted = False

My question:  is this [ severely | mildly | not at all ] un-pythonic?

Definitly and totally unpythonic. The first solution to your problem is to stick to standard naming conventions. If this is not enough, Chris pointed you to really useful tools. Also, you can override __setattr__ to catch such errors - at least during the coding/debug phase.

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