utabintarbo wrote:
> I have a log file with full Windows paths on a line. eg:
> K:\A\B\C\10xx\somerandomfilename.ext->/a1/b1/c1/10xx
> \somerandomfilename.ext ; t9999xx; 11/23/2009 15:00:16 ; 1259006416
> As I try to pull in the line and process it, python changes the "\10"
> to a "\x08".

Python does no such thing. When Python reads bytes from a file, it
doesn't interpret or change those bytes in any way. Either there is
something else going on here that you're not telling us, or the file
doesn't contain what you think it contains. Please show us the exact
code you're using to process this file, and show us the exact contents
of the file you're processing.

Carsten Haese


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